We know it can seem daunting to truly make the change you are seeking, once and for all! Here’s some of our best advice:

1. Observe and assess without judgement.

How is the habit you want to change currently working (or not) for you? How is the habit you want to create going to benefit you? We (understandably) tend to personalize our habits, and if we perceive them to be negative, we make ourselves wrong. Make it about the habit, not you. Take a look at it as if you were a third party observing yourself, with no strings attached. Collect the data.

2. Go big to start.

Get as real with yourself as you possibly can. What is it that you REALLY want? Don’t limit your goals before you even get started. A little dreaming here can go a long way. What’s the ideal situation? Do you want to finally quit smoking? Feel less sedentary in your body? Make the switch to whole, real, nutritious foods? Start training seriously for that marathon you keep threatening to do? Get back to the gym regularly? Go for what you really want without talking yourself out of the best!

3. Break it down into small and specific actions.

What’s the smallest increment of the first step? Let’s take the less sedentary example: a good first step would be incorporating more walking. Rather than go from 0-100 minutes every single day of walking, when can you commit to getting in 20 minutes tomorrow? If you decide the morning is best, what needs to happen to your routine, whose help do you need to enlist in order for that to happen? How about the next day? Keep the bigger plan and commitment in mind, but break it down so that it doesn’t seem like an all-or-nothing task. Holding to the bigger commitment and being flexible with how you make it work is incredibly empowering.

4. Declare and enlist.

Who do you need on your team to help you? From your spouse and your friends to professional coaches and your favorite healthcare providers, who can help you put your plans into action? If it’s a big change, declaring it can be a powerful way of reinforcing your goal AND enlisting help at the same time. If your goal is to get to the gym 4 days/week, who do you need to make requests from in order for that to work for your schedule?

5. Update your surroundings.

Audit your environment for the best possible outcome. If your goal is to eat more real, whole foods, stock your fridge with them in abundance. Get what you need for your kitchen to prepare these foods with ease. If your goal is to quit smoking, are you still in an environment where there is a lot of smoking? Control the controllables.

6.  Take Ownership.

You have the power to make your health your #1 priority. Trusting your body, having a strong relationship with yourself, and taking a proactive role in your wellbeing will directly impact your quality of life and how you experience everything You call the shots. You got this!


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